To assist and educate our patients with the practice of good health, movement and well-being by delivering the highest quality treatment and connecting with our community.
Osteopathy [os•tee•op•uh•thee] is a therapeutic system of understanding how to restore health and reduce pain, through the application of hands on procedures to anatomical and physiological structures of the body. Osteopathic practitioners use the diagnostic and therapeutic techniques of conventional medicine to individually assess and treat each patient to promote and restore structural integrity.
Relieve tension in restricted, “locked up” and dysfunctional muscles and joints
Re-balance structural and postural integrity to reduce load and strain
Restore suppleness of tissues, joint stability and functional strength
Rehabilitate the body to maintain and promote optimal health and wellbeing, through education
All Osteopaths at Osteo Net are registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and Osteopathy Australia members.
All Myotherapists have a minimum Diploma level qualification and are registered with the Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA).
All Therapists hold their required insurance and participate in regular Continued Professional Development.