• 28 APR 16
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    Stretching! Why is it so important?

    Stretching! Why is it so important?

    Without regular stretching muscles tend to lose flexibility, so when they’re called upon to perform a certain movement it can result in damage to the muscular tissue (tendons and/or muscle belly). Sports, work related activities, daily chores and even sleeping require the recruitment of muscles and therefore, this recruitment can all lead to muscle tightness

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    • 17 JAN 17
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    Fluid Retention or Swollen ankles? How Manual Lymphatic Drainage can help you!

    Fluid Retention or Swollen ankles? How Manual Lymphatic Drainage can help you!

    What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage? Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD), developed by Dr Emil and Astrid Vodder, is a very gentle, non-invasive manual therapy technique. It can assist in better fluid flow and aiding in  drainage from the tissues, via the Lymphatic system and can take years to master. The lymphatic system is a network of tubes the

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    • 20 JUN 16
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    Effective Workstation Ergomonics

    Effective Workstation Ergomonics

    Posture check! Are you slouching or hunching while reading this? Maintaining a good posture is one of the best ways to prevent back pain. For people whose job requires a large amount of time spent in front of a computer, effective workstation ergonomics can be the key to keep our backs pain-free and our bodies

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    • 30 JUL 16
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    Can my Osteopath help lower my golf handicap?

    Can my Osteopath help lower my golf handicap?

    Can my Osteopath help lower my golf handicap? YES!!! The golf swing is a highly complex movement pattern, which requires coordination of all the body’s joints and muscles along with timing and balance. Due to the length of the golf club, small variations in movement are amplified resulting in large changes in golf-head trajectory. For

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